winter ‘22


‘An ode to the delicate beauty of sophisticated restoration.’

An object can age slowly, …

… acquire patina, or undergo an abrupt change due to a break or a sudden event. The scarves of the FIXED collection incorporate interpretations of repairs and patches. Contrasts in colour or structure evoke a suggestion of restored handiwork.

The FIXED collection started off from a fascination for old-fashioned techniques to repair textiles, like darning stockings or mending moth holes in knitted jumpers, and the inspiring way the Japanese used to patch up blankets with pieces of textile until nothing remained of the original blanket.

Excessively long, Unaffordably long

While during the previous seasons we were repairing wolvis pieces that accidentally got caught in an earring, or in a bicycle wheel, and we were researching these repair techniques, the idea for this series gradually grew.

The beauty of the restored piece touched us. Sometimes hours of work are put into the repair. Excessively long hours. Unaffordably long hours. Inestimably long hours. How do you value that kind of patience and commitment, this time spent slowly? The repaired piece must be valued according to a different system, different principles, a different scale of values. 

Wide shot of a woman with a knitted scarf draped over her back. She's wearing a dark blue winter coat and wide leg trousers. The scarf has a checkered pattern in beige with coral pink details.


Certain pieces were worked on for so long that we could not part with them. It happened more than once that we kept the repaired piece for our archives, and returned the untouched very last prototype from our archives to the customer.  

The concept for FIXED took shape, and grew. We experimented with different yarns, knitting techniques and structures. We tried to achieve the patch effect in a newly designed piece. It was an interesting, long journey to arrive at the final collection. Pure and abstract. Subtle and bold. 


In the Japanese tradition, visible repairs are a reminder of the time and energy that have been invested in the object by the user. Wolvis is not insensitive to the melancholic beauty of imperfection and transience.

For this reason, we offer a repair service ourselves. Each repair that you have carried out with us is given a unique label, which states the date and duration of the repair work and the name of the person who repaired your piece.

Find out more about our repair service here.


wolvis x MSK


summer '22 • Sidenotes